Originally posted 8/9/09 on my old blog:
Last week, while Sue was at work, I took Teddy to his appointment with his neurologist. Normally, going to the doctor with Teddy isn't much fun, but we made the best of it. Luckily, Teddy was in a great mood. His neuro came in with two young female doctors doing their residency. During his exam, Teddy snuck in a few smiles and waves at what he called the "girl doctors." I told the neuro about the two breakthrough seizures we had in June and we upped his meds a little bit to adjust his ever increasing size, so hopefully that will do the trick. Teddy normally complains a lot about feeling funny, dizzy, headaches etc. etc., but when his neuro asked, he said: "nope, never, feeling great!" Teddy, thus successfully avoided another 24hr. EEG...for the time being.
Now, it was time for fountains. Children's put in a roof-top garden on the 8th floor. The garden has a stream, a viewing deck and several fountains, which Teddy really loves. After half an hour up top it was lunchtime. We went down to the cafeteria and had chicken strips next to another fountain/stream which really made Teddy happy. Then to top things off, Teddy picked out a chocolate pudding, with whipped cream and oreos. When we left, he was actually happy that we had another appointment at Children's Monday with his endocrinologist!
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