Friday, December 30, 2011

Fitness Club

Originally posted on 1/16/10

Teddy is down with strep throat this morning. He started complaining about his throat right before bed and sure enough has been up sick since 4:00 this morning, he has thrown up several times and is mainly just watching cartoons today. Luckily, we got him into his doctor this morning and we have already started the antibiotics.

The video today is from "Fitness Club" which is run by the T.A.S.K. organization here in metropolitan St. Louis. He complained that he didn't want to go, but he really loves it. He has been talking non-stop about the heavy bag, so after he feels better we are going to go out and buy some gloves. Teddy has been in a personal Renaissance lately. School has been going better, he joined the track club at school and he is very proud that even though it is hard, he hasn't quit. Coach Smith even let us know that when he told them to run 8 laps the other morning, Teddy was going so fast that he actually did 10 instead of the 8 the others did.

Intellectually he is progressing well also. Thursday morning before school he demanded that we get his old dinosaurs out of the garage before school. He lined them up on the living room floor and we started reminding him of his old nick-names he had for them...but that wasn't what he wanted, he wanted to know the real names of each one and he has been busy trying to memorize them all. Also, I bought a new flight simulator for the computer and at first Teddy was too afraid to even watch the planes fly on the computer, now he demands that we fly each flight together with him as co-pilot.

In tougher news he wasn't feeling good already towards the middle of the last week (as you can see from his paleness in the video) and his doctor thought we should do a blood test (CBC). Now, Teddy has probably had over one hundred of these, most of them in when he was a baby and he has developed a real phobia of needles...he started kicking and crying and the nurses at the lab refused to try and we left, a traumatic incident and no information. We made an appointment with his hematologist for Tuesday, so if he isn't back to himself from this strep throat by Tuesday, we will have them check him out and they no doubt will figure out how to get the blood draw done if they really think we need one. Hopefully, we can avoid that somehow.

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